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The SpitFire Podcast is recorded and produced in Washington, DC by Strategic Business and Life Coach, Lauren LeMunyan.

Sep 28, 2020

On average, how many meetings are you having a week? 

For my clients, they are in 12-20 Zoom meetings a week. Multiple that by the average time (1 hour) and that's half the time they're supposed to be working, but instead are sitting on meetings.

For many it feels like Groundhog Day. The same topics. The same issues....

Sep 21, 2020

Now more than ever, companies are paying attention to their Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. But what does it all mean?

More people of color?

More LGBTQ+?

More women?

More religious representation?

Diversity is about more than changing stock images on a website and the bullet points of a mission statement.

You can see...

Sep 14, 2020

"Such great info packed into an hour.  All the points were still applicable to me even though I am not a coach."

"Wonderful and timely tips.  It was easy for me to make the transition to my sales profession."


Take a Listen and Learn:

•Where and How Fears Shows up
•The 5 Signs of Fear in Your Coaching
•5 Ways to...